Open Innovation Workshop

Early sustainability assessment in innovation process
Share good practices on anticipatory risk assessment, prospective, ex-ante LCA and more

Online meeting, 14th May 2024 (11:00-12:45)


Strong, resource-efficient, and competitive bio-based industries are the key to drive the transition toward a sustainable bioeconomy, contributing to the climate neutrality target by 2050, and creating green jobs and sustainable economic growth.

Exploring biotechnological and other innovative solutions to obtain efficient and functional bio-based alternatives to fossil-based coatings, barriers, binders, and adhesives is strategic to remain competitive. Several sectors can benefit, such as transport, marine operations, construction, furniture, wood-based industry packaging, and others.


At BIORING, we are developing biobased coatings suitable for high-demanding sectors, combining high- performance and sustainability.

We are working to address safety and sustainability dimensions since the very early stages of the product design. In adopting an anticipatory approach in the evaluation of potential product development and life cycle impacts we are facing several challenges:

  • What are the most significant key parameters and information to consider in impacts evaluation, from an anticipatory perspective?
  • How to manage data gaps (safety and environmental indicators not available, missing information on new chemicals…)?
  • How and which tools and approaches to adopt, to integrate information in an organic and strategic way, toward optimized scalability of your development and production processes (including qualitative to quantitative approaches)?
  • How to model and anticipate chemical synthesis and production, toward improved efficiency and reduced use of resources?
  • How to integrate the different tools in a comprehensive and effective SSbD framework?
  • Which foresight tools can provide a screen level safety and sustainability assessment at the early stage of the R&D process?


Who should attend? Experts on SSbD, LCA, chemicals, materials and process design & modelling, and data analytics for an open discussion on methods, tools, data and case studies that could help to address these challenges.


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