BIORING brings together a Consortium of 12 partners covering 5 countries, consisting of 4 SMEs, 3 RTDs, 3 large companies (LE), 1 university, and 1 industrial association. The project is coordinated by The Spanish National Research Council.



The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Institute of Catalysis and Petrochemistry (ICP).

CSIC is the coordinator of the project. As such, they will be responsible of day-to-day management to ensure the optimal flow of project activities and will monitor the work progress against deliverables and milestones.  They are responsible of cost and time management, risk management, reporting and communication with CBE JU.

CSIC’s main technical contribution is in WP2, where they will be in charge of the synthesis of various of the biobased building blocks.


Dr. Manuel López Granados, Project Coordinator, centres his research interest on the development of catalytic technologies for the valorisation of biomass to valuable renewable chemicals, monomers and biofuels. ORCID

Dr. Nicole Doelker, Project Manager, is a chemist by training with over 10 years of experience in Consulting and Project Management. LinkedIn

Dr. Rafael Mariscal López, Senior Researcher, focuses on applications of heterogeneous catalysts to enhance the viability of biorefineries. Besides, he has an interest in the characterization of catalysts under reaction conditions. ORCID

Dr. David Martín Alonso, Senior Researcher, has expertise in experimental catalysis and the development of catalytic processes to produce high value chemicals and fuels from lignocellulosic biomass. ORCID



Airi – Italian Association for Industrial Research

Airi is leader of Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication activities of BIORING. It also makes a significant contribution to the definition of design requirements, the analysis of legal, social, environmental and economic impacts accordingly to Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) principles, and the techno-economic assessment. It will also be responsible for the synergies with other EU SSbD projects, experts and stakeholders.


Andrea Porcari, Project Manager – After a master’s degree in Physics, he worked as researcher in the semiconductor industry, and joined Airi in 2005 contributing to 20+ cooperative projects on Key Enabling Technologies, and responsible innovation practices in industry. He is member of the OECD-WPMN working group on Safe(R) Innovation Approach (SIA), and worked on sustainable by design and risk governance approaches in the EU Gov4Nano and caLIBRAte projects. LinkedIn

Elena Destro, Technology AnalystAfter the master’s degree in Industrial Biotechnologies, she worked as nanotechnologist in the laboratory of Toxicology and Biocompatibility of Materials of the Chemistry Department in Turin, focusing on the characterization and safety assessment of inorganic nanoparticles. Currently, she is Technology Analyst for Ari. LinkedIn

Olmo Guagnetti, Communication & Dissemination Officer – After a master’s degree in Medieval History and a master in Management of Culture and Artistic Goods, he worked in the Public Engagement field at the National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci in Milan following several EU projects and museum’s activities, and now he is Communication & Dissemination Officer for Airi. Linkedin, X



Maier S.Coop

Maier is a plastic parts decorator and manufacturer of technical sub-assemblies for the automotive industry. The role of Maier is to establish the requirements for the coating in automotive case study, apply samples in plastic parts to find the processing window, and test the coated parts to check the fulfilment of the automotive requirements.


Jorge Ruiz, R&D engineer- After finishing Industrial Engineering and Business Administration double degree in 2021, he started a Master in Industrial Engineering combining it with an internship in Maier. In 2023 he started as a R&D full time engineer in Maier.



Process Design Center – PDC

Process Design Center leads WP5, having the following main tasks: Data analytics and management, conceptual design, modelling and value chain integration, techno-economic assessment.


Vince Hop, Process Engineer / Consultant –  After obtaining a Master Degree in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Eindhoven (2019), He started a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Technical University of Eindhoven (2023) in the Sustainable Process Engineering group, with the focus on syngas fermentation and reactor optimization/intensification. After the PhD Vince joined PDC as a consultant. LinkedIn

Hank Vleeming, CTO – Vleeming joined PDC in 1999 holding a Master Degree in Chemistry from Leiden State University (1992) and a PhD degree in chemical engineering from the Eindhoven University of Technology (1997). His expertise and experience is in conceptual process design using expert systems, particularly in the area of biobased processes. He worked for many industry clients and actively participates/participated in the setup, execution, technical and exploitation management of Horizon Europe / 2020 and FP7 joint research project.  After his PhD Hank Vleeming also worked with Technip/KTI, The Netherlands, and IFP in France. LinkedIn



Colorobbia Consulting srl

WP4’leader, Colorobbia is in charge of market analysis of the new biocoatings in comparison of commercial petroleum based material. It will give a consistent contribution in WP3 as application’s expert to support Gaiker in the delevopment of biobased UV curing formulations.


Giovanni Baldi, Chemical Laboratory director – He sudied Chemistry in Florence and got his degree in Chemistry in 1985 and the PhD in Industrial Engineriing in 2010. In 1987 he joined Colorobbia and carried out research in the field of material science for 19 years. In 1989 he assumed responsibility for the Chemical Laboratory of Colorobbia Group. Since 1994 he is responsible for the Ceramic Research Laboratory and since 2001 is director of Colorobbia Research Centre, CERICOL in Vinci. He is owner of 25 patents, 149 publications and several presentations in the field of glass, ceramics, glass-ceramics, functional coatings, nanostructured surfaces, synthesis of nanostructured particles, nano bio materials and drug delivery. ORCID

Laura Niccolai, General Direction Assistant – She worked in research for 10 years, up to 1999 she is at the General Direction with different duties from Quality Assurance Department to Technical Direction. She follows also legal and patent aspects linked to innovation. In the last years she’s coordinating also the division for Enviroment and Safety for all the Italian companies of Gruppo Colorobbia.

Valentina Dami, Senior researcher – She graduated in Chemistry in October 2002 at the University of Pisa ,In February 2003 she started a stage at Colorobbia on the study of bulk glass-ceramics. In November 2003 she was taken on by Colorobbia with a contract of definite duration and she subsequently was confirmed with a contract of permanent duration. She started her research on surface functionalization with nanoparticles and on nanomaterials characterization. She has also skills in analytical procedures. ORCID

Andrea Cioni, Senior researcher – He graduated in Industrial Chemistry at the Technical Institute G. Ferraris in Empoli in 1990. In 1994 he started working at the Colorobbia with the task of chemical analyst. In 2003 he began the study about the functionalization of surfaces by application of nanoparticles suspensions. Since 2008 he has begun the activity of customer service for CeRiCol. He is an expert in Functionalization of surfaces, characterization of nanomaterials and functionalized surfaces. ORCID



Vertoro B. V.

Vertoro is a producer of biobased intermediates, including lignin oligomers (Goldilocks(R)), which it will produce from FSC certified wood residues and supply to the project partners.


Panos Kouris: Co-founder & CTO



Temas Solutions GmbH

TEMAS Solutions is the leader of the WP6 value chain sustainability assessments activities. Additionally, TEMAS Solutions will contribute significatively in the application of the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) JRC framework through early innovation stages Safety and Sustainability assessment, and complete safety assessment of the Bioring solutions.


Blanca Suarez-Merino, Toxicologist – DPhil Oxford Biochemistry, is a trained toxicologist with ample experience in nano inspired products for sectors such as cosmetics, pharma and chemicals. Dr. Suarez-Merino has large experience in innovation management for private companies and project set-up and management both in National and International calls, and is actively engaged at CEN activities (European Standards) T/C352 Nanotechnologies through the Swiss Association for Standardisation (SNV), OECD through the “Safe Innovation Approach project”, European initiatives, and high impact publications in (nano)toxicology journals.

Cyrille Durand, Sustainability lead – With strong international corporate experience in circular and sustainable products & materials, Cyrille has over 20 years of experience in the consumer goods industry: Research & Innovation, Sustainable Design, Manufacturing and Quality. Prior to joining TEMAS Solutions Cyrille was the lead of the Circular Plastics & Packaging project at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Cyrille has a Mechanical Engineer diploma from the Université de Compiegne, France and a Master of Science in Polymers Engineering from Cranfield University, UK.



FAB Group Srl

FAB is a producer of worktops and doors for kitchen and also provides solutions for bathroom furniture, living room, bedroom furniture and offices. FAB’s technical contribution will be related to the definition of coating requirements and validation of performance and compliance in the context of home furniture.


Gianbattista Marchesi, Technical Director, is a mechanical engineer with over 15 years of experience in design and development of numerical control machines for working wood, stone and glass. He has expertise in FEM and structural calculations.



Rey Juan Carlos University (URJC)

URJC is the leader of the WP2 and will be in charge of the synthesis of key monomers to be used as- building blocks for the formulation of biobased coatings. URJC also will contribute in WP6, performing the Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Costing and circularity of the proposed materials.


Dr. José Iglesias, Leading, is PhD. Professor of Chemical Engineering. Group leader in chemical valorisation of biomass to bioproducts. Expertise on rational design and preparation of multifunctional catalysts for process intensification. ORCID

Dr. Jovita Moreno, Senior Researcher, is PhD. Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering. She has more than 15 years of experience in systems analysis by LCA and exergoeconomic analysis tools. Expert on heterogeneous catalysis for biomass upgrading. ORCID

Dr. Alicia García, Senior Researcher, is PhD. Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering. Expertise on heterogeneous catalytic systems green and fine chemistry, feedstock recycling of plastic wastes and sustainable transformation of biomass to bioproducts. ORCID

Dr. Aida Ruiz, Project Manager, is PhD. on Chemical engineering. Expertise on heterogenous catalysis for hydrogen production. Now she is focus in the management of different research projects.

Dr. Stevie H. Lima, Postdoctoral Researcher, is PhD. on Chemistry. Expert on catalysis applied to Oil and Gas Industry: dimethyl ether synthesis (DME), HDS, chemical recycling of PET, In situ DRIFTS study of reactions, SS MAS NMR, TGA, bifunctional catalysts, zeolites. ORCID





Exportun leads the planning and implementation of exploitation strategies, covering the IPR managemet of the project foreground as well as the quality management of the project deliverables.


Patricia Sanz is the CEO and senior consultant at Exportun, she is an expert on supporting companies to access the UN markets. She actively works on idea generation, entrepreneurship and business development.

Blanca Araujo is a senior consultant, expert on innovation management and business development. She works on agile methodologies and innovation consulting, has coordinated European Projects under FP7 and H2020.



GAIKER Technology Centre

GAIKER leads WP3 to develop a series of biobased UV reactive oligomers and related UV curing formulations at lab scale from biobased building blocks. Furthermore, GAIKER makes other significant contribution at WP4 to design and manufacture the up-scaled resinous components and the UV coatings. In parallel, it also contributes to: end-of-life assessment of materials (recyclability & biodegradability), safety assessment of biobased alternatives, and data analytics/modelling/techno-economic assessment.


Jose María Cuevas. Senior Researcher (Leader), PhD. in Chemistry (University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU). He has extensive experience (> 20 years at GAIKER) developing functional polymeric materials by collaborating in many public and private R&D projects. Over the last years, bio-based alternatives, particularly in coatings, has been a research area of particular concern in his studies. LinkedIn, ORCID

Lorena Germán. Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering and researcher at Gaiker since 2005. Junior researcher in Plastics and Composites Department with experience in developing, processing, and characterizing polymeric materials. In last 7 years she is focused on the formulation, synthesis, and characterization of waterborne and biobased polymers and coatings. ORCID

Ruben Cobos. Researcher, Industrial Engineer (University of the Basque Country – UPV/EHU). Extensive experience in designing, developing and testing paints and coatings within R&D projects in collaboration with coating manufacturers and end-users. Advanced postgraduate studies in coatings technology (Sarria Chemical Institute). He is in charge of paints & coatings laboratory at GAIKER.



Leibniz – Institute for Catalysis –  LIKAT

Current activities are focused on the designing of a cost-efficient catalytic procedure for preparation of cross-linking agents for PU-based coatings. The strategies explored either avoid the use of expensive organometallic complexes as catalysts, or focused on reduction of the loading of the very expensive transition metal catalyst.


Sergey Tin. Group leader of the group “Homogeneous Catalysis with Renewables”, PhD in Chemistry. Experience in homogeneous catalysis for various processes, including conversion of renewable resources and enantioselective reactions.

Johannes de Vries. Professional advisor associated with LIKAT, PhD in Chemistry, Professor in Chemistry. Experienced in many different fields of catalysis, including reactions associated with renewables.

Sasa Opacak. Post-Doc, PhD in Chemistry. Experienced with preparation and characterisation of transition metal complexes and homogeneous catalysis with those.